PMAA’s resolutions highlight our members’ key policy issues and serve as PMAA’s legislative and regulatory agenda each year. The 2019 proposed resolutions will be presented to the full PMAA delegation at the annual conference during the business meeting on Monday, September 9th for consideration and adoption.
Once adopted, PMAA Government Relations staff will distribute and promote them to state legislators and regulatory agencies as part of their lobbying efforts.
Resolution 1-19
RESOLVED, That PMAA support legislation to significantly increase the thresholds in the Prevailing Wage Act and the Separations Act.
Resolution 2-19
RESOLVED, That PMAA support legislation to include municipal authorities under all provisions of the Commonwealth Procurement Code including the option to utilize design build contracts.
Resolution 3-19
RESOLVED, That PMAA support the protection of the environment, public health, and the water resources of the Commonwealth as a top priority for federal and state regulators overseeing shale natural gas extraction.
Resolution 4-19
RESOLVED, That PMAA take the position that any federal or state environmental legislation, regulation, or policy include a comprehensive cost/benefit analysis that identifies environmental benefits and economic impacts. Dedicated funding sources for these initiatives should be created within the authorizing agency or budgetary legislation associated with the initiative.
Resolution 5-19
RESOLVED, That PMAA encourage the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the PA Department of Environmental Protection to ensure that agriculture and other nonpoint source contributors reduce their proportionate share of nutrient and sediment to the Chesapeake Bay as required by the 2025 goals set in the Chesapeake Bay Agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Resolution 6-19
RESOLVED, That PMAA urge the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the PA Department of Environmental Protection to maintain the negotiated wastewater nutrient reduction limits (6 mg/l Nitrogen, 0.8 mg/l Phosphorus) under the Chesapeake Bay Program.
Resolution 7-19
RESOLVED, That PMAA advise the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the PA Department of Environmental Protection that the Pennsylvania wastewater sector, already in compliance with their nitrogen and phosphorus reductions three years prior to the Chesapeake Bay Agreement 2017 interim deadline, and currently, seven years prior to the 2025 deadline, should not be penalized to produce further reductions at great cost with modest results due to other Pennsylvania sectors failing to comply with their required reductions.
Resolution 8-19
RESOLVED, That PMAA continue to work with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the PA Department of Environmental Protection, the PA Infrastructure Investment Authority and other entities to implement a viable nutrient credit trading program to address Chesapeake Bay nutrient reductions.
Resolution 9-19
RESOLVED, That PMAA continue to support land application of biosolids and other types of technologies for reuse of biosolids when done in compliance with federal and state requirements.
Resolution 10-19
RESOLVED, That PMAA support legislation that allows municipal solid waste authorities and local government entities to impose necessary fees for recycling and waste management of electronic devices.
Resolution 11-19
RESOLVED, That PMAA urge the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the PA Department of Environmental Protection to base nutrient TMDLs (Total Maximum Daily Loads) on sound science, required regulatory procedures, and cost/benefit analyses as required by existing federal and state statutes.
Resolution 12-19
RESOLVED, That PMAA work with the PA Department of Environmental Protection, other state agencies, professional and work force organizations, and higher education facilities to promote training and workforce development efforts specifically in the area of water and wastewater utilities to ensure adequate numbers of certified operators in the future.
Resolution 13-19
RESOLVED, That PMAA work with the PA General Assembly, the PA Department of Environmental Protection and other interested parties to streamline and improve Act 537 sewage facilities planning program.
Resolution 14-19
RESOLVED, That PMAA encourage the PA General Assembly and the PA Department of Environmental Protection to restore and increase funding for stormwater management planning and implementation.
Resolution 15-19
RESOLVED, That PMAA encourage the PA General Assembly to adequately fund the PA Department of Environmental Protection to maintain a viable safe drinking water program for protection of public health and safety.
Resolution 16-19
RESOLVED, That PMAA recognize the essential importance of safeguarding the state’s public drinking water supplies and its citizens from lead contaminants through cost-effective monitoring and testing requirements that are protective of public health.
Resolution 17-19
RESOLVED, That PMAA urge the PA General Assembly to support legislation allowing for sewer service termination of commercial customers over six months in arrears on sewer payments.
Resolution 18-19
RESOLVED, That PMAA take the position that any safe drinking water standards or Health Advisory Levels (HALs) set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or the PA Department of Environmental Protection, must be fully researched and based on well-founded scientific principles and health based studies, and subject to public notice and comment.
Resolution 19-19
RESOLVED, That PMAA continue promoting efforts to preserve existing municipal authority owned water and wastewater infrastructure systems by educating the public of the benefits of municipal authorities, including affordable and quality service and local public ownership and control.
Resolution 20-19
RESOLVED, That PMAA support legislation requiring incorporating municipality(ies) to provide public notice and hold a public meeting prior to entering into an agreement to sell or lease a sewer or water system owned or operated by a municipal authority or a municipality and the potential purchaser or leasee is required to attend the public meeting.
Resolution 21-19
RESOLVED, That PMAA oppose legislation eliminating a municipal authority’s statutory right to charge reasonable and uniform rates to its customers to equitably divide the fixed costs of service for treatment plants, pipes, pumps, power, conveyance, administration, operation, maintenance and debt service.
Resolution 22-19
RESOLVED, That PMAA urge the PA General Assembly and the U.S. Congress to address the underfunding of water and wastewater infrastructure and to offset the billions of dollars necessary to rebuild aging water and sewer systems.
Resolution 23-19
RESOLVED, That PMAA oppose placing any municipal authority water and wastewater systems under the jurisdiction of the PA Public Utility Commission.
Resolution 24-19
RESOLVED, That PMAA oppose legislation providing the PA Auditor General direct authority to conduct financial or performance based audits of municipal authorities and requiring them to pay for all costs.
Resolution 25-19
RESOLVED, That PMAA work with the PA Department of Environmental Protection and the PA Department of Education to develop regulations to implement Act 39 of 2018 (lead testing requirements in public schools).