
PMAA provides a variety of training opportunities through workshops and webinars geared towards municipal authority board members and all levels of authority staff.

Click on the links below or the menu to the left to find out more information.

The Online Training Academy (OTA) is a series of web-based courses designed to build strong authorities. This convenient and cost-effective training has been developed for authority board members, consultants and management staff, billing departments, financial staff, treatment plant and work crew employees.

Statewide Annual Conference & Trade Show

An excellent opportunity for Authority board members, administrative officials, solicitors, engineers, and consultants to exchange ideas and experiences, broaden acquaintances, and gain valuable information from a wide array of conference speakers and educational sessions.

Board Member Training

This workshop is designed for both new and existing board members.  Attendees will learn their responsibilities in properly and effectively establishing policy and direction for the authority.  Authority managers are encouraged to attend for support and discussion.

Management Workshops

Offered in the spring, and at other times throughout the year as needed, this meeting provides timely information to those in the authority business including managers, administrators, board members, and consultants. Workshops are designed to address managing authorities, operations and procedures, and legislative and regulatory issues facing authorities and the communities they serve.

Region Meetings

These social meetings held twice a year, in your area, enable you to network with other PMAA authority and associate members.  Enjoy dinner, informative speakers and/or special presentations in an relaxed atmosphere.  Contact your Region Director for information about spring and fall meetings.  

Administrative/Environmental Seminar

Held during the fall each year to enable members to network with other PMAA members and to obtain the most up-to-date information about authority management issues and/or current environmental topics.

Sample Documents

PMAA has a library of documents that authorities may find useful including: code of ethics, bylaws, resolutions, rules and regulations. For information about these resources, contact Mike Baer (717) 737-7655 x116.