Water Terminations: Laws, Policies & Practices, Funding

Question: water_shutoff
May a water provider place limits or deny terminating water service if a wastewater authority requests water termination to their wastewater customer in arrears? 

No, the water provider may not place limits or deny termination of water service upon request from a wastewater authority. The Water Services Act (53 P.S. Section 3102.502) states that the water utility shall, at the request and direction of said municipal entity (i.e., wastewater authority), shut off the supply of water to the premises until all overdue rentals, rates, charges and associated penalties and interest are paid.

This question and many more were answered during the December 15, 2021 webinar, Water Terminations: Laws, Policies & Practices, Funding.

If you would like to purchase the recording of this webinar, please email Kim Wenrich.