Ask The Solicitor: Insights Into Some Frequently Asked Questions
Confused about the Municipality Authorities Act?
Have concerns about the Sunshine Act, Right to Know Law and Ethics Act?
This webinar will help answer your questions!
Specific areas covered in this session include:
Municipality Authorities Act - Authority powers and limitations on these powers; rules and regulations; key definitions and interpretations;
Board Appointments - Who can sit on the Board? How and when are Board vacancies filled?
Board Actions - Does action of the Board bind subsequent boards?
Sunshine Act - Recent court decisions on email communications and executive sessions;
Right to Know Law - What documents are considered "public records" subject to disclosure and scope of exemptions from release of requested information;
Ethics - Conflicts of interest;
Procurement - Bid requirements and what is an emergency?
Money of the authority;
Recent court decisions impacting Pennsylvania municipal authorities.
PMAA East Solicitor, Steve Hann, will address these topics and answer participant questions during this informative session.
Presented by:
Steven A. Hann, PMAA Solicitor East, Hamburg, Rubin, Mullin, Maxwell & Lupin