Rescheduled due to Spring snow storm!
This session is the rescheduled date from March 21, 2018.
The session is designed to cover a wide variety of topics, including vital information for
authority board members and management. Topics include:
PMAA legislative staff will present a legislative/regulatory outlook for 2018. This includes recent legislative developments in regards to privatization, and other anticipated issues that may impact municipal authorities.
The PA State Ethics Commission attorneys will present on the Key Elements of Public Official Ethics. This will include an overview of ethical standards and recent Ethics Commission rulings impacting Municipal Authority officials.
A presentation by the Pennsylvania Museum and Historical Commission (developers of the Municipal Records Retention guidelines) on appropriate records retention by Pennsylvania’s Municipal Authorities...What you need to know to protect your authority.
Solicitors Panel - Local solicitors will address attendees on various issues and relevant topics of their choosing and discuss the various impacts on municipal authority boards, including the Municipality Authorities Act. Attendees are urged to come prepared with questions for the panel.