8:30 am - Financial Responsibilities
David Busch, Keystone Alliance Consulting
The presenter will address board responsibilities for financial reporting which includes: external reports, internal reports, ways to budget, annual operating, revenue generation and much more.
9:00 am - Ethics
Mary Fox & Jeffery Frankenburger, Esq., PA State Ethics Commission
The Ethics Act states that public office is a public trust. In this one-hour presentation, learn what the Ethics Act is and how the State Ethics Commission enforces it, review some of the
most-frequently violated Ethics Act provisions, and discover how to spot a potential problem so you can stay on the right-side of the Ethics Act.
10:00 am - Board and Manager Responsibilities & Governing Body Authority Relations
Michael Sullivan, Warwick Township Water & Sewer Authority
It is essential that authority board members and managers understand their different roles and responsibilities to ensure effective operations. It’s also important that authorities maintain cooperative and constructive working relationships with the municipalities that govern them. This presentation will cover both topics.
10:30 am - Relationships with Solicitors
Michael Witherel, Esq., Witherel Kalina Law Group
The presenter will discuss the importance of working closely with your solicitor and will address the many laws and regulations with the business of the authority. Other topics will include dealing with regulatory agencies, labor issues, litigation, and more.
11:00 am - Board & Engineer Relations – Tips and Tricks for Working with Your Engineer
Rachel Govelovich, Gannett Fleming, Inc.
This discussion will focus on some of the strategies you can use to facilitate your relationship with your engineer. Topics will include developing scopes, establishing compensation, administrative issues and the ever challenging cost estimate.
11:30 am - Municipality Authorities Act & Related Laws
Steven Hann, Esq., Hamburg, Rubin, Mullin, Maxwell & Lupin, PC
The presenter will share recent court rulings impacting authorities, the Municipal Authorities Act and related laws.