
Virtual Management Workshop

Wednesday, November 04, 2020
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

PMAA's annual Management Workshop is now being held online

This workshop has been developed to provide the latest information regarding authority management, operations and procedures, and legislative and regulatory issues.


Government Relations Update
Jennie Shade, PMAA
Director of Government Relations

Jennie Shade will provide an overview of Association government relations activities, including newly enacted state law, tracked legislation currently under consideration in the Pennsylvania House and Senate, upcoming federal and state agency regulatory and policy initiatives, as well as other related areas of interest.

DEP Regulatory Update
Jay E. Patel, P.E., PA Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Clean Water, Acting Bureau Co-Director
Rhonda Hakundy-Jones, P.G., PA Department of Environmental Protection
Safe Drinking Water Program, Southcentral Regional Office
Source Water Protection

Our presenters from DEP will provide a general update on the Bureau of Clean Water Activities which includes the latest news on the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program, Act 537 Program, the Water Quality Management Permitting Program, and Water Quality.

Cybersecurity for Municipal Authorities:
Risks, Trends & Preparations to Avoid Disaster

Adeolu A. Bakare, Esq., McNees, Wallace & Nurick LLC
Devin J. Chwastyk, CIPP/US, McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC

The presenters will address:

  • cybersecurity risks faced by municipal authorities

  • recent trends in cyberattacks

  • regulatory response from state and federal government

Attendees will learn best practices to prepare for, and respond to, cyber threats in a digital world, including risk mitigation practices for employees and contractors.

Solicitors Update and Litigation Review
Steven A. Hann, Esq., Hamburg, Rubin, Mullin, Maxwell & Lupin
Michael Witherel, Esq., Witherel & Associates

PMAA solicitors will address recent litigation involving and impacting municipal authorities as well as discuss recent federal, state and administrative initiatives that municipal authorities need to be aware of in 2020 and beyond.

Cost: $50
