Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) are known as forever chemicals that persist in the environment. These man-made chemicals have impacted our environmental media and have caused widespread contamination throughout the country. EPA has classified PFAS as emerging contaminants and has identified potential health concerns associated with exposure to these chemicals.
What does all this mean for your authority? Join us for this in-depth conversation as we cover issues such as:
EPA’s strategic roadmap for PFAS including:
National primary drinking water regulation
Toxicity assessments and health advisories
NPDES permitting to reduce PFAS discharges
Proposed rulemaking to amend safe drinking water in Pennsylvania
Regulations and costs associated with monitoring MCLs and MCLGs
Funding for PFAS-related activities
You will also learn about:
GenX chemicals and why you need to be concerned
Superfund and legal issues in the handling of biosolids
Potential issues and lawful actions related to enforcement by EPA
Regulatory initiatives that could cause liabilities to water and wastewater authorities
Discussion and updates on current regulation legal proceedings
Presented by:
Steven Hann, PMAA Solicitor - East and Principal, Hamburg, Rubin, Mullin, Maxwell & Lupin
PMAA Members: $45
Non-members: $75