Wednesday, February 21, 2024
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM
Learn how municipal authorities can leverage GIS and other commonly used office software to modernize and optimize utility/asset management, as well as comply with regulatory requirements including MS4 permitting.

Learning Objectives:
Integrate data from site plans, as-built plans, and surveys into a single GIS-based platform.
Set up and utilize web-based pages to view spatial data from your organization, as well as local, state, and federal organizations.
Optimize “smart forms” to document maintenance of assets as well as conduct regulatory inspections required under state and federal permits.
Configure real-time notifications alerting staff when activities are required and completed.
Provide public-reporting mechanisms to notify staff of important issues within the community such as illicit discharges.
Automate report production to demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements such as BMP inspections, outfall inspections, and other requirements under an MS4 permit.
Set up monitoring pages to inform management of key indicators based upon customized schedules and benchmarks to maintain regulatory compliance.
Join ARRO Consulting, Inc. expert, Andrew Tuleya to help you navigate these challenges and learn how municipal authorities are utilizing these tools.
PMAA Member: $45
Non-Member: $75