Between November 2022 and March 2023, DEP developed a workgroup which met multiple times for development of the next updated version of MS4 Permit. The 22-member workgroup consisted of a diverse group of stakeholders including small and large MS4s, MS4 collaboratives, regional authorities, consultants, nonprofit environmental groups, municipal associations, academia, EPA, and PENNDOT.
As a result of the workgroup's findings, the draft permit was released for public comment by inclusion in the January 18, 2025, edition of the PA Bulletin from the PA Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Clean Water. This panel will provide the audience with its thoughts on how authorities can ensure future compliance with the new requirements expected under the new permit.
Learn about their experiences in the stakeholder engagement process, including what worked well during the 2018 PAG-13 General Permit term, what could be improved, and the proposals for making those improvements to: Pollutant Reduction Plans, Volume management plans, the MEP Calculator, Chesapeake Bay TMDL Reporting, Pollutant Control Measures, a Model Stormwater Ordinance, and Minimum Control Measures.
Join Lee Stinnett II from Salzmann Hughes and Bruce Hulshizer and Tyler Erb from HRG as walk you through a guide to the future of MS4 compliance and funding.
E. Lee Stinnett, II, Salzmann Hughes
Bruce Hulshizer, Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc.
Tyler Erb, Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc.
Cost: $49