Installing PFAS treatment for an 80 MGD surface water treatment plant is a $100 million decision. To obtain the most cost-effective solutions, a pilot study is necessary to determine the type and parameters of treatment. This case study will review all aspects of the pilot process from test design though operation and conclusions.
Learning Objectives
Pilot Study Importance: The importance of conducting pilot studies for PFAS treatment, especially for larger facilities and/or complex water chemistries.
Pilot Study Factors: Learn what factors to consider when designing a pilot study, including setup, sampling, and duration.
Pilot Study Interpretation: Review interpretation of study results and the need to adapt if adverse or unexpected results are encountered.
Pilot Study Translating Results: Considerations for translating pilot results to full-scale design (space, access, piping, integration into existing treatment train).
Join Mark A. Hubal, PE, BCEE, from Remington & Vernick Engineers to help you navigate the challenging issues of “Getting the Treatment Right”.
Cost: $45
Mark A. Hubal, PE, BCEE, Remington & Vernick Engineers