Unlike a fine wine, allowing uncollected utility and stormwater fee accounts to age will not provide a benefit to the authority or the delinquent property owner. This webinar will discuss strategies to help your authority successfully collect its delinquent accounts.

Delinquent utility and stormwater fees can be collected under a Pennsylvania law known as the Municipal Claims and Tax Liens Act (MCTLA). The benefits of collecting accounts under the MCTLA will be discussed in detail, including the ability to shift all collection fees and costs to the delinquent property owner. By creating strong incentives to pay the delinquent accounts, municipal authorities will not only bring in more revenue on the delinquent side but will create incentives for property owners to pay future bills on time.
Kevin H. Buraks, Esq., Portnoff Law Associates, LTD.
Members: $45
Non-Members: $75