Government Relations

An extremely important service of the Association and one of the main reasons the Association was formed is to provide legislative services. Authorities, as instruments of the Commonwealth, are dependent on and governed by state laws.
PMAA represents authorities before the state legislature by developing and sponsoring sound legislation in the interest of authorities, and by opposing detrimental legislative proposals.
The PMAA Legislative Committee is comprised of members from the ten PMAA regions and is consulted on a regular basis regarding proposed legislation affecting authorities. The Association’s Government Relations staff and Legislative Committee carefully study authority-related bills introduced during the legislative sessions and maintain a close working relationship with the General Assembly.
PMAA’s electronic newsletter, The Authorities Today, is utilized for legislative alerts and provides members with PMAA’s position on fast moving legislation, and when necessary, urges PMAA members to contact legislators regarding PMAA’s legislative position.
PMAA publishes a copy of The Pennsylvania Municipality Authorities Act which includes all amendments to date. With an index and also a synopsis of related laws governing authorities, the publication is a handy tool for quick reference.