MRM, Inc. insurance programs have been providing Workers
Comp coverage as well as Property, Casualty and Liability options to commonwealth municipal entities for over four decades. Our members which include PMAA stretch from West View Water Authority in the west to Schuylkill County Authority to Upper-Moreland Hatboro JSA in the east. Your neighbors and fellow PMAA members are our preferred references.
MRM Workers’ Comp Trust is the oldest self-insured municipal pool in the Commonwealth. MRM W.C. is a non-profit participating Trust.

Benefits include:
Stable premiums
In-House claims Adjusting
Annual all members loss control services
Pennsylvania regulated and approved return of surplus, such as the 2022 dividend of $9.1 million shared by 284 members.
MRM PLT Trust is a fully insured, large deductible program backed by the World’s 3rd largest reinsuring entity Tokyo Marine.

MRM PLT Trust provides the following coverages, property, general liability, automobile, mechanical breakdown, inland marine and crime. Additional coverages such as cyber, excess, public officials and employment practices can be purchased.
Benefits include:
Stable premiums traditionally locked in on a multi-year contract.
Outstanding 3rd party claims service provided by Philadelphia Insurance a wholly owned subsidiary of Tokyo Marine.
Scheduled loss control.
Audited, Board approved annual return of surplus to members such as the 2022 dividend of $3.5 million shared by 262 members.
Our success is based on a simple one-word operating principle, trust.
We trust our members will do all they can within their respective budgets to provide a safe workplace environment for their employees while protecting the public from the risks operating 24/7 operation entail. They trust MRM, Inc. to provide them with the insurance coverages necessary when accidents occur.
If you think it might be time to explore the benefits membership in the Trusts offer, please contact:
Meghan Graham, Director of Programs
1603 Carmody Court, Suite 403, Blaymore II, Sewickley, PA 15143
Phone: 724-934-9797, ext. 2011