Getting Community Buy-in for Stormwater Funding

Getting Community Buy-In for Stormwater FundingRegister

Wednesday, July 14
1:00 – 2:00 pm

It is crucial to recognize the components of stakeholder and community engagement at every stage of planning and implementation of stormwater funding. Are you unsure where to start? Hear from PMAA member, Mike Callahan, Stormwater Program Manager, Derry Township Municipal Authority, as he shares his experience with establishing the program. Mike is responsible for coordinating all aspects of the stormwater management program, including the fee and credit system, MS4 Permit compliance, operation and maintenance, and capital improvement projects.

Mike Callahan, CPSS, Stormwater Program Manager
Derry Township Municipal Authority

Mike is the stormwater program manager of the Derry Township Municipal Authority’s stormwater authority. He is responsible for coordinating all aspects of the stormwater management program, including the stormwater management program fee and credit system, MS4 Permit compliance, operation and maintenance, and capital improvement projects. Mike received both his BS and MS degrees in Soil Science from Penn State University.

Cost:  $40