Advertising Opportunities

Build brand and name recognition even more with potential clients by advertising in PMAA's go-to resources: the 2025 Annual Conference Program and the 2026 Membership Directory.

Purchasing ad placement now for both publications affords your firm a multi-publication discount!

Cover_-_Program2025 Annual Conference Program
The Conference Program is the official guide to this year's event and includes the Conference agenda, detailed session information, speaker and exhibitor information, AND your advertisement! Attendees will be provided the publication for use during the Conference, and may reference upon returning home! Advertisers will be listed on the Conference mobile app with a website link.

Contracts due by July 10.


2026 PMAA Membership Directory2025_Directory_1
The Membership Directory includes contact information for all municipal authority and associate members and is mailed in January 2024. Give your firm added exposure to the decision-makers you need to reach! The Membership Directory is used as a reliable source of products and services for municipal authority officials year round.

Contracts due by October 15.

